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引导您的孩子学习如何储蓄。了解 Vircle 储蓄、目标创建和自动保存。

Get Started with Vircle Savings!
Starting your child savings journey is a simple 3-step process

Step 1: Transfer money into your child’s General Savings
Step 2: Create a new savings goal for your child or if your child has their own logins, they can create their own goals (see Child Logins for details)
Step 3: Let the magic happen. Vircle’s autosave will automatically transfer money on a weekly basis from their General Savings into each of their savings goals.
General Savings

Savings in Goals
Savings in Goals sums up the total amount of money allocated to their Savings Goals.
Savings Goals
With Vircle's Savings Goals we've made it easier for you to enable your child to establish responsible savings habits by setting Savings Goals to save for specific purposes - such as a new bicycle, phone, game, or adventures!

第 1 步 - 选择“储蓄”。
第 2 步 - 单击“创建新目标”。
第 3 步 - 输入目标详细信息。
第 4 步 - 单击“创建目标”,一切顺利!
注意:一旦您创建了目标,Vircle 会每 7 天自动将资金从您孩子的普通储蓄账户转移到每个目标。
第 1 步 - 点击您要提升的目标。
第 2 步 - 将资金转入特定目标。
示例:如果一个目标是 RM 100,并且它已经通过自动保存节省了 RM 50,您可以提升至 RM 50,这将完成目标。

第 1 步 - 选择“储蓄”。
第 2 步 - 单击“创建新目标”。
第 3 步 - 输入目标详细信息。
第 4 步 - 单击“创建目标”,一切顺利!
Savings Step by Step Video Guide
Here is a step by step guide video on how to use Savings
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