Benefits of the Cashless Application
The Cashless School System and its application from Vircle enables children to spend smart and safely and master financial literacy.

Instant allowance anytime, anywhere

Parental monitoring through notifications

Rewards and savings through mission and goal setting

Security features, card freezing, and replacement

Let's Get Started!
To create a Vircle account, we require only ONE Parent to manage the pocket money, purchases and meal needs for your children.

备注:孩子不需要下载 Vircle 应用。孩子将会得到一张 Vircle 卡或者是使用学校的学生证来作为支付卡。当您成功创建父母钱包(主账号)以后,您可以启动孩子的“子登入”功能。
To create a Vircle account, we require only ONE Parent to manage the pocket money, purchases and meal needs for your children. This will be the Primary Vircle app user.
Easy 3-Step Registration Process
Note: You would have received a Vircle invite email with a QR code and a 16-digit e-invite code that is unique to your child’s account.

首先: 创建父母账户
步骤 1 - 点击“这里注册”,输入父母个人资料
步骤 2 – 请输入短信发送的 6 个数字的验证码 (OTP)
步骤 3 – 激活父母电子钱包 (跟据国家银行条例,请输入父母的身份证号码/护照号码)
步骤 4 – 请设置 6个数字的用户密码(您将使用此密码在应用程序上进行所有安全交易)
备注:Vircle 是受国家银行监管的电子钱包,请确定您所输入的资料是正确的。

Step 2:
Add Your Child’s Account
This step adds your child as your dependent account user.
From the Parent Homepage, tap “Add Child”
Register your child’s details with a photo. Please ensure that the data is accurate as all accounts will be audited by our compliance team
Press “Confirm” to add your child. A success message should pop up, indicating your child has been registered as your dependent in Vircle
Note: Only ONE NRIC is accepted per account. Please ensure to use a new and valid NRIC OR passport number when registering for a Vircle account.

首先: 创建父母账户
步骤 1 - 点击“这里注册”,输入父母个人资料
步骤 2 – 请输入短信发送的 6 个数字的验证码 (OTP)
步骤 3 – 激活父母电子钱包 (跟据国家银行条例,请输入父母的身份证号码/护照号码)
步骤 4 – 请设置 6个数字的用户密码(您将使用此密码在应用程序上进行所有安全交易)
备注:Vircle 是受国家银行监管的电子钱包,请确定您所输入的资料是正确的。
Select “Connect to School”
If you have a 16-digit e-invite code, you may use it and enter the 16-digit invite code. If you do not have an invite code, please select “Scan QR” and scan the QR code provided for the child. These codes are unique; therefore please do not mix it up with other children you may have at this school
Select “Confirm”. You should receive a “Success” notification
Your child may now use the Vircle School Cashless System.
此视频引导您如何创建和使用 Vircle 应用或者您可以往下浏览分步指南。

首先: 创建父母账户
步骤 1 - 点击“这里注册”,输入父母个人资料
步骤 2 – 请输入短信发送的 6 个数字的验证码 (OTP)
步骤 3 – 激活父母电子钱包 (跟据国家银行条例,请输入父母的身份证号码/护照号码)
步骤 4 – 请设置 6个数字的用户密码(您将使用此密码在应用程序上进行所有安全交易)
备注:Vircle 是受国家银行监管的电子钱包,请确定您所输入的资料是正确的。